THE BAUMAN UNDERGROUND: No Future? (3) Bruno Latour
3-4.30pm. The third discussion in our series on critical theory in the face of global environmental catastrophe, on the key French thinker, Bruno Latour.
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3-4.30pm. The third discussion in our series on critical theory in the face of global environmental catastrophe, on the key French thinker, Bruno Latour.
3-4.30pm. Online discussion group for PGRs and others on critical theory in the face of global environmental catastrophe. The second session in our No Future? seminar series will focus on the work of Donna Haraway. Please note the earlier time start.
4-5.30pm. 'The Tourism Archive as Economic and Intellectual Infrastructure: Notes on Train Maya, Mexico', presented by Matilde Córdoba Azcárate, UCSD, with M.E. Korstanje, Noel Salazar, Mimi Sheller, Manuel Ángel Santana Turégano, Christine Lundberg, Vassilios Ziakas & Ilia Alvarado-Sizzo.
4-5.30pm. The opening discussion of The Bauman Underground seminar this year, with the theme 'No Future? On critical theory in the ruins of capitalism'. We will explore themes and possibilities in the light of Anna Tsing's (2015) The Mushroom at the End of the World: On The Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins.
12-4pm. To launch a series of events on 'Critical Mobilities Theory', Rodanthi Tzanelli introduces an afternoon of dialogues on the work of John Urry with other pioneers of the 'new mobilities' paradigm. With Mimi Sheller, Michael Haldrup, Jennie Germann Molz, Ole B.Jensen, Jonas Larsen & James Faulconbridge.
Book launch of a new edited volume of Zygmunt Bauman's unpublished writings on Culture and Art
Molly Geidel (UoManchester), Vania Belen Suarez Botelho and Nic Salazar-Sutil (UoL) discuss the postcolonial Bolivian theorist of indigenous identities and cultures / STARTS AT 5PM
Muneeb Hafiz (Lancaster University) and Rebecca Porter (SSP) discuss critical applications of the key decolonial thinker, Achille Mbembe / STARTS AT 5PM
A workshop for graduate students in social and critical theory, with presentations of work in progress and feedback discussion
Negative dialectics anyone? Jon Catlin (Princeton Univ.) and Jack Palmer discuss the contemporary relevance of Theodor Adorno's hardcore Marxism