Under the current Coalition Government and in the contemporary, post-financial crisis era, the ‘Big Society’ has become an organising concept that signals a different way of thinking about and organising public, financial and social services. At the same time, no other recent policy idea has been the source of as much passionate advocacy, derision, confusion...
Leeds Taking Soundings Dialogues in Politics and Culture The crisis as an opportunity for a new economy Speaker: Tim Jenkins The present crisis is highlighting the urgency of a radical re-design of our economic model. A new economy would require a complete overhaul of the financial sector, would tackle growing social and economic inequalities,...
The Neoliberal Attack on the Humanities: A Report from South Africa’s Front Line Professor Peter Vale Professor of Humanities, University of Johannesburg and Nelson Mandela Professor of Politics Emeritus, Rhodes University, South Africa Formerly in the School of Government and Professor of Social Theory at the University of the Western Cape, Professor Vale’s...
This one day, BSA sponsored conference, hosted at the University of Leeds in conjunction with the Bauman Institute, will be looking to discuss the following; How has sociological theory impacted on the ethical, economic, social and political landscape? Is there space for substantive ethical development within ‘the academy’? How might proposed drives towards efficiency, impact...
Oxford University Chabad Society cordially invites you to a lecture by Professor Zygmunt Bauman. "Zygmunt Bauman, born in Poznan, Poland, is one of Europe's most influential sociologists and is currently Emeritus Professor of Sociology at Leeds University. Since 1971, he has resided in England after being driven out of Poland by an anti-Semitic campaign, engineered...
It was an honour to welcome Neal Lawson (Chair of Compass, and writer for The Guardian and New Statesman), Saskia Sassen (Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology, Columbia University, and Centennial Visiting Professor, London School of Economics), Daniel Libeskind (Architect), and George Ritzer (Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland) as our plenary speakers, and giving our inspirational closing address, Zygmunt...
When we owe allegiance to nothing, and no-one, and everything is expendable in the pursuit of an ill-defined notion of happiness, is our “freedom” doing us more harm than good? Standing in for Professor Bauman, I will be giving a paper entitled "The Tyranny of Freedom" at this year's Hay Philosophy and Music Festival "How...
At the University of Leeds on Wednesday 13th May 2009 the ICPS and the AHRC-sponsored 'Postcolonial Europe' network co-hosted a spectacularly well-attended public dialogue between Etienne Balibar (Emeritus Professor at Paris X Nanterre and the University of California, Irvine) and Zygmunt Bauman (Emeritus Professor at the University of Leeds). The lively dialogue, between two of...