Below is a sample of some of our key publications. Please visit individual staff pages for an up-to-date record of publications by members of the Bauman Institute.
Prosumers in the post subsidy era
Brown, D., Hall, S. and Davis, M.
Energy Policy, online first (2019)
'Deferred Lives' in The Sociology of Debt
Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 91-91 (2019).
Hidden Paths in Zygmunt Bauman’s Sociology
Theory, Culture and Society, 35, 7-8: 351-374 (2018).
S.N. Eisenstadt and African Modernities: Dialogue, Extension, Retrieval
European Journal of Social Theory, online first (2018).
Finance and justice in low-carbon energy transitions
Applied Energy, 222: 772-780 (2018).
Entanglements of Modernity, Colonialism and Genocide
Palmer, J.
Oxon: Routledge (2018).
Liquid Sociology: Metaphor in Zygmunt Bauman’s Analysis of Modernity
Edited by Davis, M.
(Ashgate, 2013)
Bauman is important for what he says. )He’s also important for how he says it. His is a sociology which makes us think and act for ourselves. This new collection edited by Mark Davis uncovers Bauman’s method. The book adds to our knowledge of Bauman and, indeed, to reflection on the sociological enterprise itself. This collection matters.
Keith Tester, University of Hull, UK
Thesis Eleven Special Issue: Bauman and the Hurried Life
Thesis Eleven, 118, (2013)
Dyslexia: The Government of Reading
(Palgrave Macmillan, October 2013)
Bauman’s Compass: Navigating the current interregnum
Acta Sociologica, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 183-194 (2011)
Bauman’s Challenge: Sociological Issues for the 21st Century
Palgrave Macmillan (2010)
Freedom and Consumerism: A Critique of Zygmunt Bauman’s Sociology
(Ashgate, 2008)
"Zygmunt Bauman has long been recognized as one of the most important social thinkers and public intellectuals in Europe. This outstanding book bears comparison with the very best existing work on Bauman, and is an extremely valuable complement to it." William Outhwaite, Newcastle University, UK
Think Pieces
These publications by the Bauman Institute are intended to communicate our research and teaching output in an interesting and accessible format. The hope is that each Think Piece will help to stimulate debate in our main areas of interest, mindful of Professor Bauman’s advice never to refrain from questioning the ostensibly unquestionable premises of our everyday life.
The Ethical Implications of the Essayistic
The Ethical Implications of the Essayistic
(Think Piece No.3, August 2014)
Dziadosz, B.
Bartek Dziadosz reflects on the ethical implications of the essayistic form after the first public screening of The Trouble with Being Human These Days on 25 March 2014. In this short essay, the author discusses the use of narration in visual storytelling, the relationship between narration and subjectivity, and discusses the ideas of Timothy Corrigan and the "film essay".
Reference: Dziadosz, B. (2014) 'The Ethical Implications of the Essayistic', The Bauman Institute: Think Pieces, No.3, August, 1-8.
Time and the Big Society
Time and the Big Society
(Think Piece No.2, November 2013)
Wright, K.
Lack of time is regularly cited as the main reason people do not engage in volunterring or participate in other community activities. However, this paper argues that simply having enough time does not necessarily facilitate greater involvement, in part because the perceived value of people's time is contingent upon their skills and knowledge. Drawing on data from an enthographic case study exploring community participating in a neighbourhood in Leeds, Katy Wright explores issues around the availability and value of people's time in relation to local community engagement.
Reference: Wright, K. (2013) 'Time and the 'Big Society'', The Bauman Institute: Think Pieces, No.2, November, 1-12.
Flawed Consumers: An analysis of the riots of August 2011 informed by the thought of Zygmunt Bauman
Flawed Consumers: An analysis of the riots of August 2011 informed by the thought of Zygmunt Bauman
(Think Piece No.1, July 2013)
Palmer, J.
The riots which erupted in England’s major cities in the summer of 2011 were for many the becoming-real of urban nightmares. What started as a reaction to the shooting of Mark Duggan1 descended into violence and looting which spread fire-like across the country. One would be hard-pressed to find a more exemplary ‘moral panic’, an episode more threatening “to societal values and interests” (Cohen, 2002: 1). As David Starkey’s remarkable on-air meltdown on Newsnight (Starkey, 2011) aptly demonstrated, Jack Palmer argues the country found itself in the grips of hysteria.
Reference: Palmer, J. (2013) 'Flawed Consumers: An analysis of the riots of August 2011 informed by the thought of Zygmunt Bauman', The Bauman Institute: Think Pieces, No.1, July, 1-17.