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BSA Theory Study Group Webinar: The Life and Work of Zygmunt Bauman


Bauman’s biographer Izabela Wagner and deputy director of Bauman Institute Jack Palmer will be featured in a special webinar co-sponsored by the BSA Theory Study Group and the Bauman Institute online on 2 December 12-1pm.

About the Event

Who was Zygmunt Bauman before he went to Leeds? How was his thinking shaped by his experience as an ‘outsider’ forced into exile by anti-Semitic purges in Poland? In this session, Izabela Wagner will discuss her new biography of Zygmunt Bauman (Polity 2020) with Jack Palmer. In addition to exploring the complex connections between Bauman’s life experiences and his work, they will also reflect on their own work and experience researching this iconic 20th century intellectual.

  • Izabela Wagner is Associate Professor of Sociology at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Associate Researcher at DynamE (Dynamiques Européennes) at Strasbourg University/CNRS, and a fellow of the Institut Convergence Migrations in Paris.
  • Jack Palmer is Deputy Director of the Bauman Institute and Leverhulme Early Career at the University of Leeds.

Further information and registration for this event here: