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Affiliate Members

NameJob titleLocation
Elena Álvarez-ÁlvarezAssistant Professor of Political PhilosophyUniversidad Internacional de La Rioja (ESP)
Rowland AtkinsonResearch Chair in Inclusive SocietiesCentre for Urban Studies and Planning, The University of Sheffield
Jonny BeachamESRC Research FellowSchool of Economics, Finance and Management, University of Bristol (UK)
Richard BeardsworthProfessor of International Politics (Head of School, School of Politics and International Studies)University of Leeds
Carlo BordoniSociologist, essayist, journalistFormerly at universities and academies in Pisa, Florence, Naples, Milan and Carrara.
Donal BrownResearch Fellow, PROSEUSustainable Research Institute, University of Leeds
Tony BryantProfessor of InformaticsLeeds Beckett University
Dariusz BrzezinskiAssistant ProfessorInst. of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences; Dept. of Theoretical Sociology
Laura CartwrightResearch Fellow, Financing for SocietyUniversity of Leeds
Bryan CheyetteProfessor in English LiteratureDepartment of English Literature, University of Reading
Bruce DavisHonorary Research FellowAbundance Investment (UK)
Matt DawsonProfessor of SociologySchool of Social & Political Sciences, University of Glasgow
Ipek DemirProfessor of Diaspora Studies (Director of Centre on Racism and Ethnicity Studies)University of Leeds
Derek EdyvaneAssociate Professor of Political Theory (Director, Centre for Contemporary Political Theory, POLIS)University of Leeds
Mark FeatherstoneSenior Lecturer in SociologySchool of Social, Political and Global Studies, Keele University
Steve HallAssociate Research Fellow, PROSEUSustainable Research Institute, University of Leeds
David HesmondhalghProfessor of Media, Music and Culture (Rep, Centre for Cultural Policy)University of Leeds
Nicholas HookwaySenior Lecturer in SociologyUniversity of Tasmania (AUS)
Michael Hviid JacobsenProfessor in Sociology and Social WorkAalborg University
Ole B. JensenProfessor of Urban Design and Urban TheoryAalborg University
Dominic LapointeProfessor, Chaire de recherche sur les dynamiques touristiques et les relations socioterritorialesUniversité du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Alfia LeviaInternational Doctoral Researcher and ArtistUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM (MEX)
Jordan McKenzieLecturer in SociologyUniversity of Wollongong (AUS)
Jennie Germann MolzProfessor of SociologyCollege of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
Gill ParkLecturer in Art Gallery, Museum and Heritage Studies (Rep, Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies)University of Leeds
Poul PoderAssociate Professor of SociologyDepartment of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
Griselda PollockProfessor Emerita of Social and Critical Histories of Art (Founding Member)University of Leeds
Matthias ReversLecturer in Media and CommunicationsUniversity of Leeds
Noel SalazarResearch Professor, Faculty of Social SciencesKU Leuven
S.SayyidChair in Social Theory & Decolonial Thought (Head of School, School of Sociology and Social Policy)University of Leeds
Gehan SelimAssociate Professor in Architecture and Urbanism (Rep, Cities network)University of Leeds
Mimi ShellerProfessor of Sociology & Inaugural Dean of The Global School Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA
Max SilvermanProfessor of French (Founding Member & Rep, Languages, Cultures and Societies)University of Leeds
Dennis SmithEmeritus ProfessorLoughborough University
Karen ThrosbyAssociate Professor of Sociology (Director of Centre on Interdisciplinary Gender Studies)University of Leeds
Peter ValeSenior Research FellowUniversity of Pretoria
Andrew WallaceAssociate Professor in SociologyUniversity of Greenwich
Andrew WarnesProfessor of American Studies (Rep, School of English)University of Leeds
Martin ZebrackiAssociate Professor of Critical Human GeographyUniversity of Leeds